Honoring your own needs
I've had to let go of some things to make my life more manageable. It's kind of ironic. I began my transition from yoga practitioner to yoga instructor with the intention of moving toward a more quiet, serene lifestyle. Working every night of the week and most of the weekend along with a full time job is no way to be a good facilitator of living the mindful life I am seeking and attempting to illustrate.
Yoga is all about finding balance, and not just on one foot in tree pose. We need balance in everything. In our diet, in our waking to sleeping hours and in our working to nurturing hours. Life should be filled with good work, learning and most importantly, joy. When any of these things over shadow the others our physical and mental health will suffer. I am learning this is something that we, as mere humans, must revisit from time to time. Sometimes difficult decisions have to be made.
Regretfully Wednesday night class at One Domain will have to go and Thursday night's music practice will move to alternate Tuesdays, sharing this night of the week with teaching at SoHo-PiYo. That gives me two nights to reserve for what I'll call 'family time'. It's important.
I'll miss those fun ladies at Domain One. We enjoyed a couple of months of Wednesday nights practicing yoga together and I hope that at least one or two have been inspired to find their way toward a more balanced, healthy, joyful lifestyle. Maybe our paths will cross in another space. Maybe this was all I needed to offer for these lovely women. All I know is I would not want to saddle any one with the downfall of anothers health, and continuing was going to do this to me.
When I want to be helpful and it feels like it is breaking me, I like to bring to mind the safety talks you hear before every flight. The stewardess stands at the front of the plane describe escape routes, flotation devices and emergency oxygen masks. At each talk it is always made very clear that a parent should take care of their own oxygen needs first and then take care of the child. And it's a no-brainer. If the parent passes out, how will they be able to care for their child.
If we over work ourselves how will we be a good employee, a good spouse or partner, a good friend of parent, a good steward of the earth. We won't.
Balance. It's where it's at!
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