Monday, October 11, 2010

Camping entry: Day Two - the inevitable challenge

The blow-up air mattress and new double sleeping bag afforded all the comforts of home while the sounds of frogs and bugs offered a dreamy lullaby. We slept well, until almost 9, and rose gradually.

Although we own a camp coffee pot, this is the one little convenience I didn't want to leave home without, so I unpacked the French press and the ground Star Bucks and brewed my self a savory bit of luxury. Richard had been having issues with his neck and shoulder and so I encouraged him to join me for my morning yoga. Yes, it was going to be the perfect first morning of the perfect camping trip...

And then there was THE challenge. The all too wonderful camp site had one minor flaw for the would be woods yogis.


I was so relieved to learn there would be little chance of rain while we camped, I never dreamed a load of gravel would be my issue. But there it was. Every square inch of the camp site was covered with these large pieces of gravel.

I know lying on a bed a of nails is purported in some yoga circles to have spiritual benefit but I'm just not into that right now.

So, what now. I would not be deterred!

Fortunately I had packed several large garbage backs as well as two over-sized beach towels. By removing the larger stones and layering first the garbage bag and then the folded towel I was able to fashion a fairly stable and comfortable practice space.

A few uncomfortable rocks, easier to spot by feel than site, were removed and this princess felt not a single pea under her comfy stack, mostly.

I enjoyed a general yoga practice while Richard did some therapeutic poses for his complaining shoulder.

We finished up and then headed for our tubing adventure. Tubing was nothing short of ethereal. Another benefit of being late in the season; but for a few birds and a snake or two, we seemed to have the river to ourselves.

The water was cool and the temperature mild. It was just warm enough to make swimming feel brisk and exhilarating but not so hot that we were ever too warm.

I left the phone and camera behind so sorry there are not pictures because it was just dreamily lovely!

We returned to camp for a pasta dinner with bread and salad. I'd packed for a summer vacation, but the night was turning off chilly so I secured a pair of socks from my suitcase and added them to my ensemble. For some reason, Richard kept snickering and saying something about Jay Randall.

Afterward we again enjoyed a little convenience from home. Yes, I must admit I plugged in the ipod to our jam box and pulled out my guitar and Richard grabbed his new bass.

Richard had recently made a washtub bass which we brought along on the trip. It was to be a grand instrument by night, dish washing tub by day. I don't know how the wash tub felt about this turn of events by I myself enjoy wearing a number of hats, so I felt we did not dishonor the integrity of the instrument.

We turned in and chatted about what tomorrow's day would entail. Hiking, waterfalls and swimming were to be the main features and we couldn't wait. It was nice to have had this day to totally lay back and relax on the river and then at camp. And we were going to need it because tomorrow's hike would make up for it!

1 comment:

Jay said...

I like this- it's nice to be referenced as a style icon.
