Sunday, September 19, 2010

Have mat, will travel...

Monday morning finally arrived. Our short vacation had been pushed back and pushed back for one conflict after the other. We'd been planning to steal away for a few days in the wilderness since last summer. Being immersed in technology it is a pleasure truly needed and not enjoyed enough by either of us. Busy schedules and budding personal businesses have loomed large in our lives, but we finally put our foots down, made a date and off..... at last.... we went!

We packed the last of our bags and supplies for our 5 day adventure and headed for the mountains of North Carolina well stocked with all the food, clothing, camping needs and yoga gear a couple of nutty, crunchies would ever need on the short trip. Throw in several beers a icing and 2 wine bottles a-chilling and who could ask for more?

I had predetermined this trip was to facilitate a metamorphosis of sorts. I knew I was leaving a hoarder and planned to return a minimalist. I also planned to prove to myself that yoga can happen anywhere, no matter the circumstances. Part of this journey would require my commitment to my practice. You see, last years' camping trip launched full of hope for beautiful, ethereal yoga sessions in the deep woods, with the trees all around me and the sound of the river my score. But my best intentions were foiled by a too wet a campground floor and too small tent, the perfect excuse for forgoing practice for a warm cup of coffee under the canopy. This year my intention was to rally and enjoy my practice, come rain or shine.

Since Monday was spent mostly in the car and our morning was a mad rush to get packed and out the door, I planned to conduct my practice en route. My intention was that the series of short practices would, by the end of the day, total a complete practice for me and stave off that cramped, stiff and achy feeling you get when stuck in a vehicle for most of the day.

Things got off to a great start. Just before we got to Atlanta we stopped at a Pilot station in Temple, Georgia.

Standing in the warm but breezy sunshiney air I started with a standing side bend on either side, a standing twist both ways, a standing back bend and the forward fold, uttanasana. This little work break vinyassa keeps me feeling alive and awake during my work day and is perfect if you need some spinal movement but you've nowhere to lay a mat! I hung in uttanasana for a bit. It was delicious. From there I stepped one foot back into parsvottanasana and did some breathing into the backs of my legs. My hamstrings were quite relieved! I then bent the back knee toward to ground for a spell an anjaneyasana, or low lunge to give a nod to my psoas major and minor. Next the upright adho mukha svanasana I managed standing against the gas station wall was nothing short of liberating after our stressful packing and a couple of cramped hours in the car. I then allowed my pelvis to move toward the wall and enjoyed a bit of a back bend. Ahhhhh. Such relief!

We stopped again about an hour and a half later in Jefferson, Georgia. A little shell station would host my second short session. By now we'd been driving several hours and I was feeling pretty stiff and ready to move. I enjoyed my quick standing warm up vinyasa again and then went through a series of warrior poses. I settled into Warrior II and then folded sideways into trikonasana. I then enjoyed Warrior I and moved into Parsvottanasan. I followed this with prasarita padottanasana, a wide legged forward fold. After enjoying this lovely bit of work I took a quick walk around the gas station.

Sliding back into the passenger seat I realized that I might have preformed the poses a bit cold. This kind of practice definitely requires some careful moving. It was a good lesson to learn. Jumping out of the cramped car into a warrior series with little warm up might not be the best idea. I think my intentness on getting in a good, strong practice before days' end may have come into conflict with my mindful intention. Stiff, cold muscles can be hurt with stretch the body is not ready for. Message delivered. Message received! Thanks universe.

An hour later we stopped again in South Caroline, the state of my sister Martha's birth. Even with the periodic stops and yoga breaks, being in the car for a day begins to wear. It was a very nice little rest station for a bathroom break and stretch of the legs that we desperately needed.

Richard and I found a shady spot to steal some quick asana time. For this stop I did the same vinyasa warm up again. It's a great one for a quick run through of all the spinal movements. Forward folds are always lovely for release and letting the cervical spine move into relaxation, so I stayed with uttanasana for a bit. Next was the upright downward dog against a tree. I followed with a standing back bend with fingers interlaced behind my back and reaching for the floor while my crown floated gently upward. Finally a low lunge seemed to be called for. My psoas need the lengthening and it felt invigorating. This proved to be a much healthier short sequence than the last bit of work. Duly noted!

Finally we crossed the border into North Caroline. The air seemed alive with the promise of cooler weather and deep breaths of clean, fresh air.

At about 6pm, just before arriving we made our last stop. We were so close, but when you gotta go you gotta go, so Richard dashed off to the can while I enjoyed a very quick set of Trikonasana and a standing back bend to open my chest at this final pit stop.... and then it was off to camp.

Home at last! And it was all that we hoped for. Being late in the season, we seemed to have the entire camp to ourselves. The river was our background music and we had just enough light left to help with setting up our tent and campsite.

Nothing is better than a camp site dinner. We cooked tilapia over an open fire with salad and a yummy loaf of whole grain bread which we enjoyed after the hard work of setting up our little home away from home.

After being well fed we cleaned and readied ourselves for sleep. Just before turning in we cozied up on a couple of chaise lounges and I was able to get in the final, most important piece in my all day yoga series, a meditation of sorts on the amazing canopy of twinkling stars over head.

Everything was going to be just perfect for my mindful, yoga vacation!